Sunday, August 12, 2012

Psy 700 - Intro

Francis Celia. (2011). Retrieved from


My name is William Adam Baldowski, but feel free to call me Adam.  Having been accepted into the Media Psychology PhD program at Fielding is exciting, thrilling, and partially terrifying, but I'm ready for a new challenge. 

I grew up in the south, surrounded by creativity, and have always been attracted to the art of storytelling.  This attraction started with my grandfather, John Byron Colby.  He was a writer and from an early age I can recall wanting to follow in his footsteps; fast-forward 31 years and I sit at my computer, working on my first assignment as part of the PhD requirements at Fielding Graduate University. 

My love for the narrative goes deeper than the written word, though. It extends into the notes of a musical phrase, the arc of a well-structured film, and the timbre from a sharp-spoken orator.   Having spent the last 15 years as a writer/director I have used this love of storytelling to create several short films and have just recently moved into the realm of teaching. 

Part of the reasons I chose to pursue my PhD was to study how social and new media could be used to educate and inspire groups of people.  Specifically how these forms of media can be used to affect, inform, and unite the LGBT community. I would also be interested in seeing if other forms of media such as music, augmented reality, and gaming could be used in the same manner. 

Aside from succeeding in this program, my goal is to expand my knowledge and build on my interests to help educate and inspire others.  I've always found social issue stories to be important and I hope to find new ways to shed light on subjects society might have hidden in the dark.     

You can find more out about me and see some of my work at

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