Saturday, September 22, 2012

Capstone Essay

Looking back on this course I realize I took critical thinking for granted, specifically when it came to how I used media.  I had the tools ready to use but did not necessarily use them in the proper manner. The information on the Internet can be very useful but we need to understand how to extract the valid information from the fictional.  As a writer, educator, and now a student, critical thinking will help advance the work I do by allowing me to properly evaluate the sources I am pulling my information from.

There is an art to thinking about thinking.  We question, examine, and explore information from various points of views and we try to arrive at a conclusion we hope we agree with; however at times the results we find differ from the original thought.  So this leads me to ask, does critical thinking affect how we interact with media? 

A person must use critical thinking in everyday situations, especially in this age of 24-hour news cycles.  We are bombarded with information but it is up to us to determine if the information is valid.  Examining bias will help us determine not only the validity of the source but also the information they are presenting.  Adam Pash (2011) has a four-step approach to stopping the spread of misinformation but it is his second step, research, that seems to be the most important, " get to turn to the internet to search for answers!" By asking questions of what we are viewing, reading, or listening to we start to think critically about the information.  

The existence of bias will not go away, but the acceptance of bias can.  If we understand that bias exists and that further research needs to be done then we are starting to think critically.  This affects how we take in different forms of media.  Fox News is going to report information on President Obama differently than that of NBC News. Mark Memmott (2012) shows us that when writing about the economy Fox News says "Wrong-way growth: Jobless Jumps In July as New Hiring Remains Slow," and "NBC News writes US economy's job engine revved up in July. Both are news sources and both are "duty bound" to report the truth, but both are corporations that are run by money and ratings.  They spin the information to pull in the audience they want to attract. Fox News leans more towards the conservative audience, whereas NBC News leans more liberal.

This is not just found in mainstream media though.  In this digital age, misinformation can be found around every corner.  The average person can upload a YouTube video, ranting about the lives of someone they've never met, and we, if we choose to watch the video, have to determine if their rant is valid. We have to find the truth in what they are saying and apply deductive reasoning rather than logic to help arrive at this conclusion. "Valid logic is when the structure of logic is correct in the way of syntax and semantics rather than truth. Truth comes from deductive reasoning of said logic," Curtis Silver (2011)

As an educator the practice of critical thinking has changed how I approach teaching.  By giving my students real world scenarios to complete their work, they are able to ask questions of themselves, the work they are doing, and of their client, but many view the idea of critical thinking as boring and uncreative. As static as the idea of critical thinking can be there absolutely is a way to incorporate it in a creative manner and to creative work.  According to Zoe Burgess (2011),
Through research, participating in service learning, talking with seasoned professionals within a particular industry, fieldwork, and by preparing presentations and papers on their topics to share with their schoolmates and the larger community, students build critical and problem solving skills that will serve them for life.

I learn from my students just as much as they learn from me.  Looking at my work from a critical point of view has helped place me in their shoes, allowing me to show them a way around the struggles the assignment might be giving them. 

As a PhD student in media psychology critical thinking will provide the tools necessary to concisely and clearly write papers, evaluate information for my research, and choose sources to pull the information from.  Michael Shermer (2009) gives us 10 ways to detect baloney.  While each of these are valid and helpful, I find 5 of them more helpful than the others:

1.) How reliable is the source of the claim?
2.) Is the claimant providing positive evidence?
3.) Are personal beliefs driving the claim?
4.) Have the claims been verified by someone else?
5.) Does the source make similar claims?

Using these ideas, along with the idea of keeping an open mind will allow me to properly report my research.  As researchers and scholars we have to prepare ourselves for the possibility that what we find might be different than our personal beliefs. 

Living in the age of the Internet we have access to tools that provide large amounts of information at an incredible rate, but the most important tool we have at our disposal is our mind.  By using critical thinking we can change, not only how we think, but also how we approach media.  We have the radio and podcasts to listen to on the way to work, television to watch while at home, and newspapers to read on our digital devices.  They all fight for our attention and it is up to us to determine how much what we take in we believe and how much we will further research.  Like any muscle, the brain needs to train in how to think critically but when done correctly this tool will allows us, as researchers, the opportunity to question and evaluate the information. 


Burgess, Z. (2011). Can We Teach Creative and Critical Thinking? | Culture on GOOD. Retrieved from

Memmott, M. (2012, August 3). Same News, Different Spins: Check These Headlines About The Jobs Report: The Two-Way: NPR. NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from

November, A. (n.d.). V. Find the Publisher of a Website | November Learning. November Learning | Education Consulting, Workshops and Conferences. Retrieved from

Pash, A. (2011, May 3). How to Identify and Avoid Spreading Misinformation, Myths, and Urban Legends on the Internet. Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. Retrieved from

Shermer, M. (2009, August 27). The Baloney Detection Kit - Michael Shermer| The Committed Sardine. 21st Century Fluency Project. Retrieved from

Silver, C. (2011, March 10). The Importance of Logic & Critical Thinking. Retrieved September 19, 2012, from

Image Resources

Burgess, Z. (2011). Can We Teach Creative and Critical Thinking? | Culture on GOOD. Retrieved from

Memmott, M. (2012, August 3). Same News, Different Spins: Check These Headlines About The Jobs Report: The Two-Way: NPR. NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from

Philosophy Monkey: Critical Thinking Animated Primer. (n.d.). Philosophy Monkey. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Web Bias

(State Farm, 2012)


The Internet has become an important part of the research process. Unfortunately, much of the information found on the web has the potential to mislead its readers. This stems from misinformation, a lack of peer review, and personal bias. However, through the use of specific methodologies, keeping an open mind, and skepticism, a researcher can minimize the chances of misinformation finding its way into their work


When used properly, the Internet can be an incredibly useful tool used to answer questions and provide insight. However, if misused, the Internet can deceive, misdirect, and misinform.  Although some of the material on the web might 
contain falsified and biased information, there are methods in place to help separate fact from fiction.

On Ian Jukes site (2009), Michael Sherman provides 10 questions to ask in order to help detect "baloney" on the Internet. These questions lead the researcher to ask about the source of the claim, to investigate if anyone tried to disprove the claim, and to question if any personal beliefs are driving the claim. The questions not only help detect bias but will help the researcher learn more about the author of the website, a fact often overlooked on the Internet.

Authorship and bias often work hand in hand, but each contains equally important information. According to Elizabeth Kirk (1996), authorship is "perhaps the major criterion used in evaluating information." She suggests looking at how well known the author of the material is, whether they are respected within the community, and are you able to retrieve biographical or additional information on the authors.

While bias is impossible to remove, it is possible to manage. As researchers, if we understand that everything contains bias, then we are instantly ahead of the game and able to filter out the facts in the bias.  For instance, the website (Andy Towle, 2003), is a news blog created to give information to the LGBTQ community. In their title they say, "Towleroad: a site with homosexual tendencies,” indicates that they cater to the LGBTQ community. If they provide information speaking out against this community, they will lose readers. By understanding this, the reader will be able to objectively read the articles, research further sites to match up the information, and look in the text for biased language. 

Websites thrive on the traffic they receive, just as a turnkey store relies on the customers who walk through their door. They need to pull their readers in, keep their interests piqued, and have them return for more.  Biased language is a way to achieve this.  The Wesboro Babtist Church, a group dedicated to condemning the homosexual lifestyle, uses biased language to not only draw users to their site but to also gain attention. Their bias exists in the web address they chose,, instantly telling the viewer that the bases for their claims are founded in hate.


Through asking questions, understanding bias, and using critical thinking a researcher is able to decipher the facts out of a sea of fallacies. Understanding the bias will help the viewer determine the validity of the source, the origin of the claim, and how much further research it will take to properly find a supported answer. As Alan Pash (2011) said, "You've got to employ a healthy level of skepticism for what you're reading, watching, or otherwise consuming—on the Internet or elsewhere. You've heard it before, but if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."


About Westboro Baptist Church. (n.d.). Westboro Baptist Church Home Page. Retrieved from
Kirk, E. (1996). Evaluating Internet information. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. Retrieved from
November, A. (n.d.). V. Find the Publisher of a Website | November Learning. November Learning | Education Consulting, Workshops and Conferences. Retrieved from
Pash, A. (2011, May 3). How to Identify and Avoid Spreading Misinformation, Myths, and Urban Legends on the Internet. Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. Retrieved from
Shermer, M. (2009, August 27). The Baloney Detection Kit - Michael Shermer| The Committed Sardine. 21st Century Fluency Project. Retrieved from
Towle, A. (2006, May). | News | Towleroad. Gay News | Gay Blog | Towleroad. Retrieved from

Image References
Just the Facts, Maam | ASPA National Weblog. (2012, April 19). ASPA National Weblog | Advancing excellence in public service. Retrieved from
On Admitting Bias | Getting Blanked | Blogs | (n.d.). | Blogs | Retrieved from
Skepticism | Debunktion Junction. (2011, December 25). Debunktion Junction | Where we debunk the dubious, quantify the quacks and foster a secular society based upon critical thinking, science, reason and "Pastafarianism". Retrieved September 2, 2012, from
State Farm_ - State of Disbelief (French Model). (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Retrieved from

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Defining Critical Thinking


Critical thinking is a state of higher learning used to expose and distill information down to the purest of knowledge. Although there are many methods used to think critically there are also many traits that prevent the thinker from achieving this goal. Through research and reflecting back over the week’s discussion, various strategies, methods, and environmental issues affect the thinker both positive and negatively.


("Problem solving techniques," 2009)
Critical thinking is a detailed and higher level of thinking that is, according to Edward Glassar, ("Defining critical thinking," 2011) "applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action." At the basic level, it is opening ones mind to the world around them, expanding their knowledge through asking questions, analyzing the answers, and accepting the possibility of outside viewpoints. 

After researching various methodologies and views there seems to be a correlation between self-awareness and critical thinking. A thinker must be aware of the world around them and their own personal biases to think critically. According to Richard Paul, a leader in the critical thinking movement, there are 9 strategies that can help a thinker develop and hone their critical thinking skills. Based on the discussion and research this week, self-awareness and open-mindedness to me are the most important to grasp.

(Loddy, 2011)
From an early age we learn critical thinking skills but somewhere along the way we either forget or ignore what we have been taught. Richard Paul (2001) suggests, "Development in thinking requires a gradual process requiring plateaus of learning and just plain hard work." The brain is a muscle that needs to be exercised and part of this development is a daily work out of solving problems, keeping an open mind and self-preparation to accept solutions different than originally thought.  By listening to viewpoints different from your own, you allow yourself to accept solutions varying from your own personal biases. This will help set the egocentric thinking aside.

Being able to recognize this bias could help by allowing the thinker to keep an open mind and listen to other points of view.  Professor Dowden (2002) says:
"To be a critical thinker you need to be fair and open-minded even with people you disagree with. You need to give them a fair hearing because your goal is the truth or the best action. Your goal isn't just to confirm what you already believe."

While it is impossible to remove all bias from an argument there are methods to ensure the bias does not interfere with the results. If the thinker does not have an open mind, then they are essentially walking into the analysis with already skewed results. They are not open to receiving conflicting information that goes against their personal beliefs, leaving the question unanswered and the bias intact. The thinker needs to be prepared that when the answers to the questions they asked are answered, the answers might not match their preconceived beliefs. 


Critical thinking is an important tool for all walks of life. This type of thinking allows for the betterment of society, ones self, and knowledge. By following Paul's 9 strategies, keeping an open mind, and allowing for self-criticism the thinker will generate a more elevated way of thinking. 


Defining critical thinking. (2011). Retrieved from

Paul, R. (2001). Critical thinking in everyday life. Retrieved from

Silver, C. (2011, March 10). Wired. Retrieved from

Dowden, P. (2002, January 20). Retrieved from

Image References

Problem solving techniques. (2009). Retrieved from

Loddy, M. (2011, December 13). Train the brain to think critically. Retrieved from

Korn, D. (n.d.). Learn to prepare. Retrieved from

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Psy 700 - Intro

Francis Celia. (2011). Retrieved from


My name is William Adam Baldowski, but feel free to call me Adam.  Having been accepted into the Media Psychology PhD program at Fielding is exciting, thrilling, and partially terrifying, but I'm ready for a new challenge. 

I grew up in the south, surrounded by creativity, and have always been attracted to the art of storytelling.  This attraction started with my grandfather, John Byron Colby.  He was a writer and from an early age I can recall wanting to follow in his footsteps; fast-forward 31 years and I sit at my computer, working on my first assignment as part of the PhD requirements at Fielding Graduate University. 

My love for the narrative goes deeper than the written word, though. It extends into the notes of a musical phrase, the arc of a well-structured film, and the timbre from a sharp-spoken orator.   Having spent the last 15 years as a writer/director I have used this love of storytelling to create several short films and have just recently moved into the realm of teaching. 

Part of the reasons I chose to pursue my PhD was to study how social and new media could be used to educate and inspire groups of people.  Specifically how these forms of media can be used to affect, inform, and unite the LGBT community. I would also be interested in seeing if other forms of media such as music, augmented reality, and gaming could be used in the same manner. 

Aside from succeeding in this program, my goal is to expand my knowledge and build on my interests to help educate and inspire others.  I've always found social issue stories to be important and I hope to find new ways to shed light on subjects society might have hidden in the dark.     

You can find more out about me and see some of my work at